Business Representation, Company Fiscal and Legal Set-Up, HR Recruitment and Local Partners.

You have seen the opportunities in China and worked out your business concept. Now you have decided to bring your business to China and need a local partner to help you execute the project. VHIL can manage your legal and fiscal set-up, the location search for your office, initial recruitment and marketing campaign in order to help you successfully kickstart your business in China. All of the above offerings can be found in our business incubator services.

Profit and Loss/Sales Budget Forecast, Open-To-Buy Computation, Product Selection, Logistics Solution, Value-Added Services, Quality Compliance in Pragmatic Approach, Product Certifying, Distribution Channels, Store Construction, Store Operation and After-Sales Service.

Besides the administration set up of your Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise in China, VHIL can also carefully curated product selections based on our innate knowledge of cultural tastes and the open-to-buy, provide the logistics and value-added services by our sister company (Hong Kun Group, http://www.hkscm.com), manage the Chinese certificate authentication with government organizations who is our strategic partners, tailor-made, 360-degree brand services that encompass online, offline, retail and distribution channels with a strategic proposal based on our strong and vast connection. We have expert staff who can offer interior styling advice alongside product recommendations and layout design ideas. The last but not least, we also have a strong and experienced operation team under our sister company (Strong Winson Group, http://strongwinson.com). They are managing and running over 100 stores and providing after-sales service for the brand.