VHIL an innovative, efficient and result-driven Service Provider specializing in Chinese retail industry. We provide comprehensive services from importation through store operation management and exclusively tailored services to our clients. Please refer to “Our Services” page for the details.

Our multinational choose to work with us because we provide a real understanding of local industries, deliver practical results, and perform integrated executions.

We have offices in Shanghai and Nanjing with a sustainable backbone of local and western professionals, who have experience working in both China and overseas.

China News (Simplified Chinese)
China News (English & Simplified Chinese)

Our clients are leading fashion houses and innovative lifestyle companies, we have worked for House of Fraser and Tom Dixon from UK, Dolce & Gabbana, Versace, DKNY and DKNY Jeans, Dickson Retail Group from Hong Kong successfully driving these brands operations. Today, we are a team of multidisciplinary experts united by our enthusiasm for retail and our keen appreciation for the ever changing consumer and competitive landscape.

The diversity of our work and clients reflects our passion for realizing new possibilities and keeping ourselves challenged and growing.